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Intensional analysis of code fragments


In this section, we outline how we do intensional analysis of residual code. We provide a high-level pattern matching based interface. Code patterns can be constructed by placing brackets around code. For example a pattern that matches the literal 5 can be constructed by:

-| fun is5 <5> = true
     | is5 _ = false;
val is5 = fn  : <int> -> bool

-| is5 (lift (1+4));
val it = true  : bool

-| is5 <0>;
val it = false  : bool

The function is5 matches its argument to the constant pattern <5> if it succeeds it returns true else false. Pattern variables in code patterns are indicated by escaping variables in the code pattern.

-| fun parts < ~x + ~y > = SOME(x,y)
     | parts _ = NONE;
val parts = fn  : <int> -> (<int> * <int>) option

-| parts <6 + 7>;
val it = SOME (<6>,<7>) : (<int> * <int>) option

-| parts <2>;
val it = NONE  : (<int> * <int>) option
The function parts matches its argument against the pattern < x + y >. If its argument is a piece of code which is the sum of two sub terms, it binds the pattern variable x to the left subterm and the pattern variable y to the right subterm.

We use higher-order pattern variables[22, 21] for code patterns that contain binding occurrences, such as lambda expressions, let expressions, do expressions, or functions.

For example, a high-order pattern that matches the code of a function <fn x => ...>, of type <'a -> 'b> is written in eta-expanded form <fn x => (g <x>)>. When the pattern matches, the matching binds the higher-order pattern variable g to a function with type <'a> -> <'b>

Every higher order pattern variable must be in fully saturated form, by applying it to all the bound variables of the code pattern. For example if g is a higher-order pattern variable with type <'a> -> <'b> -> <'c> then we must write (g <x> <y>). The arguments to the higher-order pattern variable must be explicit bracketed variables, one for each variable bound in the code pattern at the context where the higher-order pattern appears. A higher-order pattern variable is used like a function on the right-hand side of a matching construct.

For example functions which implement the three monad axioms are written as follows:

fun monad1 
    <do mswo 
        { x <- return mswo ~e
        ; ~(z <x>) }>          
= z e

fun monad2 <do mswo { x <- ~m; return x }> = m

fun monad3 
    <do mswo 
        { x <- do mswo {y <- ~a
        ; ~(b <y>)}
        ; ~(c <x> }> 
= <do mswo { y' <- ~a
           ; do mswo { z <- ~(b <y'>)
           ; ~(c <z>) }}>

When the function monad1 is applied to the code <do mswo {a <- returm mswo (g 3); h(a + 2)}>, the pattern variable e is bound to the function fn x => <h(x + 2)> which has the type <int> -> <int M>. The right-hand side of monad1 rebuilds a new code fragment, substituting formal parameter x of e by <g 3>, constructing the code <h((g 3)+ 2)>.

This technique can be used to build optimizations, or to translate a residual program into a target language.

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Zine-El-abidine Benaissa
Wed Jul 21 11:46:59 PDT 1999