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Concluding Remarks


We argue through our work that, unlike what is often claimed (e.g., [Koe99]), message-oriented middleware and object-oriented principles are not contradictory. In [EGS00a], we have made a first step, by introducing a programming abstraction called DISTRIBUTED ASYNCHRONOUS COLLECTION (DAC) which is versatile enough to express commonalities between the different message-oriented interactions styles. In that paper we have focused on topic-based publish/subscribe.

In this paper, we have attacked another bastion, content-based publish/subscribe, which is presumed to contradict object-oriented principles by its very nature. We have illustrated that it is indeed possible to express content-based subscription patterns in a way that fully preserves encapsulation. Moreover, we have shown that our approach offers further practical benefits over contemporary approaches, like the possibility to prevent syntax errors and type errors.

In terms of performance, the cost of our solution is incurred by the latency resulting from the use of JAVA reflection. In our case, this use is however reduced to verifications of subscription patterns aiming at avoiding type errors. After this initialization phase, dynamic invocations are circumvented by using static code generated at runtime without any modification to the JAVA compiler or VM. The throughput of our system is thus not conditioned by the use of reflection, as proven by the resulting performances. We are furthermore currently working on a new optimization scheme combining the benefits of our static and dynamic optimizations. The idea is to generate static code from dynamic invocation trees, to further improve performance but also to reduce the overall compilation effort.

The cost of our solution in terms of feasibility is limited to the need for structural reflection; yet with such minimal features that the inherent JAVA reflection capabilities can satisfy this need.

We do not claim that our content-based subscription scheme is the ultimate solution to content-based publish/subscribe, nor that it replaces existing specifications. It should rather be seen as a pragmatic attempt to circumventing shortcomings of other approaches. Our filter library is not limited to the context of DACs, but could be put to work easily in other existing event-based systems.

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Patrick Eugster