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Pushdown Systems

Pushdown systems provide a natural execution model for programs with recursion. They form a well-studied class of infinite-state systems for which many important problems like equivalence checking and model checking are decidable [4].

Definition 2 (PDS, from [7])   A pushdown system (PDS) is a tuple

$\displaystyle {\cal P} \;\stackrel {\Delta}{=}\; (P, \Gamma, \Delta)$

$ P$ is a finite set of control locations;
$ \Gamma$ is a finite set of stack symbols;
$ \Delta \subseteq (P \times \Gamma) \times (P \times \Gamma^{\star})$ is a finite set of rewrite rules of the shape $ \ensuremath{{\left< p, \gamma \right>}\xrightarrow{{\scriptsize }}{\left< q, \sigma \right>}}$.

The set $ P \times \Gamma^{\star}$ are the configurations of $ \cal P$. If $ \ensuremath{{\left< p, \gamma \right>}\xrightarrow{{\scriptsize }}{\left< q, \sigma \right>}}$ is a rewrite rule of $ \cal P$, then for each $ \omega \in \Gamma^{\star}$ the configuration $ \left< q, \sigma\cdot\omega \right>$ is an immediate successor of the configuration $ \left< p, \gamma\cdot\omega \right>$. A run of $ \cal P$ is a sequence $ \rho = \left< p_0, \sigma_0 \right>\left< p_1, \sigma_1 \right>\left< p_2, \sigma_2 \right>\cdots$, such that for all $ i$, $ \left< p_{i+1}, \sigma_{i+1} \right>$ is an immediate successor of $ \left< p_i, \sigma_i \right>$.

We now define how a set of methods $ M$ induces a PDS.

Definition 3 (Induced PDS, formalising [8])   A set of methods $ M$ induces a PDS

$\displaystyle {\cal P} \;\stackrel {\Delta}{=}\; (P, \Gamma, \Delta)$

as follows:
$ P$ consists of the single control location $ p$;
$ \Gamma$ is the set $ V$ of program points;
$ \Delta$ is the set $ \bigcup_{m \in M} \bigcup_{v \in V_m}$   Prod$ (v)$, where Prod$ (v)$ is a set of rewrite rules defined as:

\left\{ \ensuremath{{\left< p, v \r...
\quad\mbox{if $v : \mbox{\sf return}$}

The rewrite rules of the pushdown system can be interpreted as simply manipulating the calling stack of the program from which the PDS was obtained. Given a configuration $ c\equiv\left< p, v\cdot\sigma \right>$ let point $ (c)\;\stackrel {\Delta}{=}\; v$.

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Lars-Ake Fredlund 2002-09-23