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False Positives.

Notice that the above strategy may falsely classify benign binaries as malicious. To evaluate the false positives, we use the following heuristic: we optimistically assume that all suspicious binaries will eventually be discovered by the anti-virus vendors. Using the set of suspicious binaries collected over a month historic period, we re-scan all undetected binaries two months later (in July, 2007) using the latest virus definitions. Then, all undetected binaries from the rescanning step are considered false positives. Overall, our results show that the earlier analysis is fairly accurate with false positive rates of less than 10%. We further investigated a number of binaries identified as false positives and found that a number of popular installers exhibit a behavior similar to that of drive-by downloads, where the installer process first runs and then downloads the associated software package. To minimize the impact of false positives, we created a white-list of all known benign downloads, and all binaries in the white-list are exempted from the analysis in this paper.

Of course, we are being overly conservative here as our heuristic does not account for binaries that are never detected by any anti-virus engine. However, for our goals, this method produces an upper bound for the resulting false positives. As an additional benchmark we asked for direct feedback from anti-virus vendors about the accuracy of the undetected binaries that we (now) share with them. On average, they reported about $ 6\%$ false positives in the shared binaries, which is within the bounds of our prediction.

Niels Provos 2008-05-13