The Dark Oracle: Perspective-Aware Unused and Unreachable Address Discovery
Evan Cooke, Michael Bailey, Farnam Jahanian |
Richard Mortier |
Electrical Engineering and Computer Science Department
University of Michigan |
Microsoft Research Cambridge, UK |
Internet traffic destined for unused or unreachable
addresses provides critically important information on malicious and
misconfigured activity. Since Internet address allocation and policy
information is distributed across many devices, applications, and
administrative domains, constructing a comprehensive map of unused and
unreachable ("dark") addresses is challenging. In this paper, we present an
architecture that automates the process of discovering these dark addresses by
actively participating with allocation, routing, and policy systems. Our
approach is to adopt a local perspective revealing unreachable external
addresses and unused private and local addresses, and enabling the detection
of threats coming into and out of a network. To validate the approach, we
construct a prototype system called the Dark Oracle that uses internal and
external routing data and host configuration information, such as DHCP logs,
to automatically discover dark addresses. We experimentally evaluate the
prototype using data from a large enterprise network, and a regional ISP, and
from deployment of the Dark Oracle on a large academic network.
1 Introduction
It was once widely believed that the Internet was in imminent danger of
address exhaustion due to millions of new users and the proliferation of new
devices. Instead, we now find huge numbers of unused addresses. Large address
blocks are still not allocated by registries, blocks allocated to
organizations are never externally advertised or routed, and there are
millions of unused addresses within allocated and routed subnets between the
laptops, desktops, and servers we use every day. During the course of this
study we found that 66.8% of all possible IPv4 addresses were never announced
through BGP, 57.5% of the addresses assigned to the campus of a large academic
network were never internally routed, and 64.8% of the addresses allocated to
a DHCP server were never assigned to a host.
This vast pool of unallocated, unrouted, and unassigned addresses sitting
idle across the Internet can be used to provide intelligence on malicious and
misconfigured Internet activity [24]. There are a range of techniques for
monitoring contiguous ranges of unused addresses, including honeypots [1, 30,
31], virtual honeypots [3, 15, 35], emulators [26, 37], simple responders [2],
and passive packet capture [11, 28]. We refer to these techniques together as
honeynet monitoring.
Existing honeynet monitoring systems only cover a very small percentage of
the available unused address space. Two fundamental problems limit monitoring
more addresses. First, address allocation information is distributed across
many devices, applications, and administrative domains. For example, address
registries like ARIN can provide information on what addresses are assigned to
an organization, but not on what addresses are routed or reachable. The second
challenge is that address allocations can change quickly. For example,
wireless devices can enter and leave a network, and instability in routing
information can impact address reachability. The result is that honeynet
monitoring systems today monitor only easily obtainable, contiguous blocks of
This paper presents an architecture that automates the process of
discovering these non-productive addresses by participating directly with
allocation, routing, and policy systems. The goal is to pervasively discover
unused and unreachable ("dark") addresses inside a network so that traffic
sent to those addresses can be forwarded to honeynet monitoring systems.
This architecture is fundamentally different from existing systems because
it is perspective-aware. This means it adopts the local perspective of a
specific network, thereby expanding the number of monitorable addresses and
enabling outgoing honeypots. Today, threats coming into a network [32, 33]
receive the most attention; however, threats inside the network, such as
infected laptops, are arguably more serious. The proposed architecture
discovers addresses that are externally unreachable from the perspective of a
particular network, and it routes any packets leaving the network that are
destined for unreachable addresses to a honeynet. These outgoing monitors
provide unique visibility into local infections and misconfigurations.
To demonstrate our approach, we construct the Dark Oracle, a system
designed to discover unused and unreachable addresses within a network. The
system integrates external routing data like BGP, internal routing data like
OSPF, and host configuration data like DHCP server logs to construct a locally
accurate map of dark addresses. The Dark Oracle automates address discovery,
significantly simplifying the process of finding dark addresses. It also
provides unique local visibility into internal threats and targeted attacks.
We experimentally evaluate our approach using data from a large enterprise
network, and a regional ISP, and from deployment of the Dark Oracle on a large
academic network with more than 10,000 hosts. We show how the external,
internal, and host configuration address allocation data sources are stable
over time, and that the system is scalable. Even when each data source is
sampled just once a day, the error in address classification is well under 1%.
We deploy a pervasive honeynet detector that uses the addresses from the Dark
Oracle and show how unused addresses from a DHCP server reveal almost 80,000
unique source addresses compared to 4,000 found by a traditional /24 monitor.
Because we are also able to monitor outgoing addresses, we discover almost
2,000 locally infected or misconfigured hosts in an academic network. These
experiments demonstrate the effectiveness of the Dark Oracle in discovering
highly distributed local and global dark addresses, thereby enabling quick
detection of targeted and internal attacks.
2 Background and Related Work
As Internet-based attacks have become increasingly commonplace and complex,
it has become impractical for experts to manually analyze each attack and the
hundreds of subsequent variants [9]. This rapid growth in malicious Internet
activity has driven the need for more automated data collection and analysis
Approaches to the detection and characterization of network-based threats
fall into two general categories: monitoring production systems such as live
networks or host-based firewalls [33], and monitoring non-productive honeypot
resources. This paper focuses on honeypots which provide a unique pre-filtered
source of intelligence on the activity of attackers and other anomalous
processes [6, 30].
Host-based honeypot systems have traditionally been allocated a single IP
address which limits visibility into processes such as random scanning threats
[30]. This limitation of monitoring only a single address helped to motivate
the development of wide-address monitors called network telescopes [21], sinks
[37], blackholes [29], and darknets [11]. These efforts have produced a new
understanding of denial of service [22], worms [2, 4, 20, 28], and malicious
behavior [24].
Monitoring large numbers of unused addresses simultaneously has been shown
to provide quicker and more complete information on threats [8, 16, 17, 21].
Cooke et al. demonstrated that distinct honeynets observed orders-of-magnitude
different amounts of traffic and different numbers of unique source IPs [8,
10]. These differences persisted even when accounting for local preference and
specific propagation algorithms. Pang et al. also demonstrated that data
collected at honeynets at three locations belonging to three distinct networks
differed significantly [24]. Kumar et al. recently demonstrated how the Witty
worm’s random number generator produces non-uniform scanning [17]. However,
gathering the same detailed forensic information produced by a real honeypot
is a scalability challenge. One approach is to trade fidelity for scalability
by emulating operating systems and services rather than running real operating
system or application instances [26, 37].
Another approach is to place each honeypot instance within a virtual
machine [15, 32]. This enables the execution of multiple operating systems on
a single physical machine. Unmodified virtual machines are not sufficiently
scalable because a large monitor can receive hundreds or thousands of
connections per second. One way of reducing this load is to filter the
incoming connections before they reach a honeypot [3]. Another technique is to
make the process of storing and spawning virtual machines more efficient. The
Potemkin Virtual Honeyfarm [35] uses copy-on-write virtual machine images to
quickly restore and execute operating system images as packets enter the
In summary, techniques that monitor unused addresses provide important
intelligence on new Internet threats and are becoming more operationally
important as Internet-based attacks have become both increasingly commonplace
and complex. Recent honeynet scalability advances have provided the framework
for monitoring larger and more diverse address ranges and in this paper we
attempt to address this need by developing a system designed to pervasively
discover these addresses.
3 Redefining Dark Space
When most researchers refer to honeypots, honeynets, darknets, network
telescopes, and blackholes there is an implicit assumption that the monitored
addresses are globally advertised and globally reachable. That is, a path that
exists from most points on the global Internet to the monitored addresses.

Figure 1: Unused and unreachable addresses inside a network. These
addresses can come from a range of sources including routing and
policy enforcement devices.
This view deserves closer scrutiny. We propose that the number of possible
dark addresses would greatly increase if the definition is expanded to include
unreachable addresses. By adopting the perspective of a particular network, it
is possible to discover addresses that may or may not be reachable in other
parts of the Internet. A packet leaving a network that would be dropped by an
upstream router because the destination address is not allocated is an
operationally interesting packet and warrants closer inspection. By locating
these upstream and locally unreachable addresses and combining them with
unused addresses from throughout the network [13] it is possible to
significantly increase the number of dark addresses available to honeynets.
Some examples of dark addresses include:
Unused Addresses:
- Unused addresses that are globally advertised and routable
- Unused private addresses that are locally routable
- Unused UDP/TCP ports on an end-system
Unreachable Addresses:
- Reserved addresses
- Allocated but unadvertised addresses
- Private addresses that are locally unroutable
- Unused addresses that are globally advertised but unroutable (e.g.,
due to policy)
A pictorial representation of the possible sources of dark addresses is
illustrated in Figure 1. Devices and configuration from the routing
infrastructure and from policy enforcement mechanisms (e.g., network
firewalls) are possible sources of address information. The key idea is that
by using a perpective-aware address discovery mechanism, it is possible to
find and utilize a far greater range of dark addresses.
This broader view of dark addresses provides three fundamental improvements
to honeynet systems. First, highly distributed dark addresses enable the
detection of targeted attacks and are more difficult to fingerprint. Second,
local addresses such as unused private addresses provide a unique perspective
into internal threats. Finally, a large number of addresses provides quick
detection of randomly propagating threats.
3.1 Perspective-Aware
The expanded definition of dark addresses has implications on how dark
addresses are monitored. It is now possible to monitor both incoming and
outgoing traffic. That is, if an address is not internally or externally
reachable, that address can be marked as dark. By tracking incoming and
outgoing packets, one also gains a unique perspective into local behavior.
Below is a list of interesting features one can detect by monitoring incoming
and outgoing traffic to dark space.
- Inbound Traffic: Globally-scoped attacks (worms),
externally-sourced targeted attacks (botnet scans), backscatter (DOS
attacks), and externally-sourced reconnaissance (scans).
- Outbound Traffic: Locally infected machines (worms/botnets),
local misconfiguration (misconfigured DNS), and internal reconnaissance
To explore the importance of having visibility into both incoming and
outgoing traffic, we studied the targeting behavior of bot infected computers.
Bots have the ability to perform targeted attacks against external hosts and
local attacks against internal systems [9]. To investigate the prevalence of
targeted bot behavior, we conducted a study of botnet commands. We looked for
the specific command signatures of Agobot/Phatbot [7], rBot/SDBot [19], and
Ghost-Bot in the payloads of traffic captured in a large academic network.
Table 1 shows a list of commands from approximately 11 bots detected by the
system during May 2005. Each command instructs the bot to begin scanning a
range of IP addresses. We found that 70% of the commands were targeted at
external /8 or /16 networks or specified a scan of local systems (e.g., ipscan
s.s webdav3 -s). The implication is that monitoring targeted attacks is
becoming more important, and that distributed, locally-scoped monitoring is
critical for obtaining a complete picture of targeted external attacks and
internal threats.

Table 1: Botnet scan commands captured on a live /15 academic network
during May 2005. The table shows that 70% of the captured commands were
targeted at a specific /8 or /16 network.
In summary, a simple way to dramatically expand the visibility of honeynet
systems is to monitor unreachable and unused addresses. We now describe a
system designed to automatically discover these dark addresses inside a
4 Architecture

Figure 2: Major components of an automated dark address discovery
architecture. Multiple sources of allocation data are used to find
unused and unreachable addresses.
In this section we describe an architecture that automates the process of
discovering dark addresses by participating directly with allocation, routing,
and policy systems. The architecture is composed of two major components. The
first component is the address allocation data sources. There are three main
sources of allocation data: external routing data, internal routing data, and
host configuration data. The second major architectural component is the
address manager that utilizes the address allocation data to provide a map of
dark addresses. A high-level diagram that depicts the major components of the
architecture is illustrated in Figure 2.
In the next three subsections, we describe possible data sources for the
address manager and the importance of using internal data sources. Using this
understanding, we develop three classes of allocation data sources that are
used as input for the address discovery architecture. Finally, we describe how
to combine data from different data sources in a coherent manner.
4.1 Potential Address Sources
Discovering dark address space is challenging because address allocation
information is distributed across many devices, applications, and
administrative domains. This means that there is no single Internet-wide
repository of fine-grained address allocation data. The situation is not much
better within organizations as operators rarely have accurate per-device
address allocation records. Thus, the key to obtaining accurate information is
to integrate data from many sources of address allocation information. To
understand where to locate this information, we first need to understand the
address allocation process.
To preserve global uniqueness, IP addresses are distributed through a
central authority called Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA) [14]. IANA
allocates large blocks of address space to regional registries such as ARIN
(for North America) that handle address allocations for specific
organizations. Certain organizations such as governments and large enterprises
also have direct allocations from IANA. Organizations such as ISPs can then
turn around and reassign regions of their allocated address space to their
customers. For example, an ISP might reassign one or more sub-blocks of
addresses to another smaller ISP or enterprise customer.
The addresses used within an organization are often then subdivided by
campus, functional unit, or department. A DHCP server is then often used to
dynamically allocate addresses to end-hosts. For example, the main site of a
large enterprise network might be assigned a /16 and a specific floor within a
department might have a DHCP server with the assignment of a /24 address
The port allocation process for end-hosts can also be considered part of
the address allocation hierarchy. Unlike IP addresses, ports only need to be
unique at the host-level so they can be allocated by a host without concern
for global uniqueness.

Figure 3: Example of the IPv4/port address allocation hierarchy.
The allocation number above each step reflects the relative quantity
of addresses being managed in the allocation process.
A example of the allocation process is illustrated in Figure 3. The figure
also shows the approximate number of addresses being managed at each step. At
each step in the allocation process an organization is responsible for
uniquely assigning addresses to the next step. For example, an ISP has the
responsibility not to assign the same addresses to different customers. Each
organization in the process must also only use or advertise addresses assigned
to them. The distributed nature of the allocation process means enforcement is
a challenge and there are sometimes violations that impact reachablity [18].
Figure 3 also illustrates another important concept. At each step in the
allocation process there is often a significant number of unused
4.2 Leveraging Internal Data
Thus far we have discussed globally unique address allocation which is only
part of the process. There are also two other very important classes of dark
addresses: private addresses, and policy violations. These addresses provide
unique insight into local events. For example, an infected laptop configured
with a address from a home router is plugged into the network
and immediately starts scanning. By monitoring unused portions of private
address space, this type of misconfiguration and infection can be quickly
identified [10].

Figure 4: Usage of private address space at different levels in
the address allocation hierarchy. Although not illustrated, the
private address blocks used at different levels could be from the
same address space.
Many organizations make extensive use of private address space. An example
of private address space usage within an ISP and its customer enterprise is
shown in Figure 4. It is difficult to determine the private addresses used
within an organization from external data alone. Instead, by using internal
routing and host configuration data the unused portions of private address
space can be identified. Only small portions of private address space are
typically used ( contains 16 million addresses) so visibility into
private address space can provide a large number of monitorable local
Another challenge is that both incoming and outgoing traffic can be blocked
by policy applied at different levels in the address allocation hierarchy.
Organizations will often use policy to strictly filter incoming traffic or to
drop outgoing traffic to certain common ports. For example, an enterprise
might block all outgoing TCP port 135 connections to limit outgoing file
sharing. If these blocked IP/port pairs can be discovered by communicating
with policy systems, then packets to those addresses can instead classified as
Both unused private addresses and policy violations provide a unique source
of addresses that are not typically monitored by honeynet systems. The
proposed architecture supports the discovery and integration of both of these
types of addresses.
4.3 Provisioning the Address Manager
The next step is to determine what data sources should be incorporated into
the architecture to provide the broadest possible visibility. As we have
argued, the key to discovering the broadest possible range of dark addresses
is to take a local perspective. So the question is: What are the data sources
available to a particular organization? We argue that there are three broad
classes of address allocation data: external routing data, internal routing
data, and host configuration data (as illustrated in Figure 2).
External routing data provides information on addresses that have
been allocated and are routable. We use routing data rather than data from
registries because registry data shows allocation which do not necessarily
reflect what address are actually routable. An example source of external
routing data is BGP announcements.
Internal routing data is crucial for distributing reachability
information inside medium and larger organizations and provides fine-grained
information on what addresses are actually allocated within an organization.
For example, an ISP may advertise a full /16 through BGP but only half of that
space is allocated and used internally for customers. OSPF, ISIS, and RIP are
all excellent sources of internal routing data.
Host configuration data includes information from systems that
allocate individual addresses to endhosts. This includes information about
address usage like unused ports directly from end-hosts, and configuration
from policy devices like firewalls. Host configuration information is
available from DHCP and LDAP servers which provide details on specific IP
address allocations.
4.4 Synthesizing Allocation Data
Once the external routing data, internal routing data, and host
configuration information reaches the address manager – as illustrated in
Figure 2 – it must be synthesized into a consistent map of dark addresses. One
challenge is how to resolve a conflict when two data sources disagree on the
status of an address. For example, external routing data might indicate that
an address was reachable while internal routing data reveals it was unused.
The solution is to assign priority to the more specific data source. More
specific data sources are further down in the allocation hierarchy. For
example, host configuration data takes priority over external routing data.
As allocation data from many sources is brought together, it is possible to
identify inconsistencies. It is expected that an address that was classified
as used by a data source at the top of hierarchy might then be identified as
dark by a data source at the bottom. However, if the opposite classification
occurs, it can indicate a misconfiguration. For example, if a DHCP server is
allocated non-private address block that is not advertised through BGP, this
can indicate that either the server was assigned the wrong addresses or there
is a BGP configuration problem.
5 Dark Oracle Design/Implementation
In this section we describe the Dark Oracle, the realization of the dark
address discovery architecture. The Dark Oracle was implemented in C and
Python using a plug-in system for different address allocation data sources.
The system synthesizes a list of unused addresses based on the address
allocation inputs and passes that list of dark addresses to a honeynet.
In the next three subsections, we describe how we constructed the Dark
Oracle using BGP external routing advertisements, OSPF internal routing
advertisements, and DHCP host configuration data. We then discuss how the
addresses from different data sources are combined and how we implemented a
prototype honeynet using a promiscuous mode packet sniffer and a high-volume
router. Finally, we discuss the issue of misclassified addresses.
5.1 External Routing Data
The source external routing data is BGP, which is the dominant exterior
gateway protocol on the Internet today. The Dark Oracle obtains an up-to-date
view of global BGP announcements using a feed of data from the RouteViews
project [34]. RouteViews includes BGP data observed from many vantage points,
so it provides a more global view of reachability than a single BGP listener
in one network. Depending on the organization and upstream routing policies,
it may be important to have more locally-accurate, external reachability
information. In this case, it is simple to redirect the BGP module in the Dark
Oracle to a local BGP feed.
To determine whether a given IPv4 address is dark, we simply check if there
is a valid BGP advertisement for that address. If not, the address is declared
dark. Misconfigured BGP advertisements are common across the Internet, so we
first filter the advertisements using the bogon list [12].
5.2 Internal Routing Data
To capture internal routing data, the Dark Oracle uses an OSPF listener
that participates in the local OSPF backbone and collects update messages
[23]. In certain networks, information like router configuration could be
helpful to discover details such as static routes, multiple OSPF instances,
multiple areas, or other internal routing protocols like RIP. However, this
information is not required by the Dark Oracle, it simply improves visibility.
To determine if given address is dark the Dark Oracle must assume the
specific perspective of a particular organization. The appropriate address
allocation registry, such as ARIN, is checked to decide whether an address is
within the range managed by the organization and thus managed by OSPF. If the
address falls within the address blocks assigned to the organization, then the
current valid OSPF LSA updates are checked to see if the address is
advertised. Thus, if an address is allocated to the organization and it is not
advertised through OSPF, the address is classified as dark.
There are obvious complications. For example, private address space is
potentially valid within an organization, so if a private address is not
advertised through OSPF, it is classified as dark. It is also possible that
the allocations managed by OSPF are not also assigned through the regional
registry. In this case, the Dark Oracle has configuration parameters for
managed address ranges.
5.3 Host Configuration Data
The host configuration data source used in the Dark Oracle uses address
allocation records from a DHCP server. Rather than modify DHCP server code,
the Dark Oracle can passively monitor DHCP commands on the network or directly
monitor DHCP logs.
To decide whether a given address is dark, we first need to know if the
address falls within the range managed by the DHCP server. To make this
decision the DHCP module in the Dark Oracle requires the configured lease time
and the pool of addresses from which the DHCP server allocates leases. These
parameters are easily extracted from the configuration file or database and
can be kept up-to-date with periodic updates. If the address is found to be
managed by the DHCP server, we test to see if the address has been allocated
by tracking the DHCP discover, lease, and renew messages. If the address has
not been allocated, it is declared dark.
5.4 Prioritizing Data Sources
As we outlined in the previous section, the key to combining address
allocation data from different sources is to assign priorities. DHCP data has
the highest priority, followed by OSPF data and then BGP data. Thus, if DHCP
declares an address dark, that assignment takes priority over OSPF or BGP
announcements. This process is simple and easily handles additional data
sources with different priority levels.
5.5 Prototype Honeynet
Once an address has been classified as dark by the Dark Oracle, that
address can then be used for a range of different honeypot applications. One
could use a SYN-ACK responder to elicit TCP payloads [2], a system such as
honeyd to emulate end-host behavior [26], or even forward packets back to a
honeyfarm to be executed on real end-hosts [35].
To validate the Dark Oracle we passively captured traffic to the addresses
classified as dark. Passive capture is simple, scalable, and provides a large
amount of information on malicious activity and misconfiguration [24]. One key
piece of information provided by passively captured darknet traffic is the
source IP address. The source IP address provides a good estimation of who is
malicious and misconfigured and doesn’t require any honeypot response.
We used two methods for passively capturing traffic: a program called
darktrap, and a blackhole route.
5.5.1 Darktrap
The goal of darktrap is to process data from a promiscuous mode interface
connected to a span port on a router. A span port mirrors traffic on some or
all interfaces of a router to another port. Because this includes live
production traffic we also constructed a mechanism to isolate packets to dark
To deal with large traffic loads (100 to 600 Mb/s), darktrap requires a
high-speed evaluation mechanism to indicate whether a given input address is a
member of a set of dark addresses. The number of addresses in the dark address
pool can also be very large. For example, the BGP table can include almost
200,000 entries.
To obtain the necessary scalability we implemented a hybrid suffix-Patricia
tree. Unlike a router which must find a longest-prefix match, darktrap
requires a simpler yes/no answer if a prefix exists that covers a given
address. The program uses uses a 4-level deep tree for storage in which each
tree node is a 256 element-wide array. The tree is populated with the dark
prefixes such that each array element in a node is set to either NULL (meaning
no match), -1 (meaning a /32 match), or a pointer (meaning a pointer to next
level of the tree). darktrap was designed to be integrated into the FreeBSD
kernel, but the performance was acceptable in userland. It incurred a few
percent CPU overhead on a 3GHz test system, with over 600Mb/s of input traffic
using the full set of prefixes from a BGP table dump on September 20, 2005.
5.5.2 Blackhole Routing

Figure 5: A blackhole route is used to capture traffic that is destined
for addresses in the local network that are not advertised by any more
specific prefix. Traffic destined for external addresses can still be
successfully routed by the default route as before.
The second method we use to capture traffic to dark addresses is a
blackhole or fall-through route. The idea is illustrated in Figure 5. In the
example, a network is allocated by the RIR, but only advertises and internally. Thus, the installed blackhole route,, captures all traffic destined for the network’s
allocated-but-unrouteable addresses. The idea is similar to adding a route to
prevent flooding attacks against persistent loops [36]. The static route
identifies all traffic to unused addresses as packets to those addresses
fall-through the more specific prefixes allocated to live subnets. To collect
the traffic, we just placed a monitoring system next to the upstream router
and configured the static route to point at the monitoring system.
5.6 Misclassified Addresses
One important problem is misclassified addresses. That is, what if the Dark
Oracle misclassifies an address as dark that should be active. There are two
main reasons why an address might be misclassified: (1) the state between the
Dark Oracle and a data source becomes inconsistent or, (2) there is an
inaccuracy in the data source. For example, instability in routing combined
with a delay in obtaining routing data could cause inconsistency.
The impact of an address misclassification depends on the monitoring
infrastructure and if the honeynets actively respond to incoming packets. For
example, misclassifications that occur when using a blackhole route are likely
due to operator error and would have happened regardless of a Dark Oracle
deployment. However, if a system like darktrap is being used, a contention
between live systems and honeypot systems can arise. If the address of a
server is misclassified, then it is possible that a valid client could
interact with a honeypot instead.
The simplest way to avoid misclassification is to minimize inconsistent
state and inaccurate data sources. For example, by peering directly with
border routers it is possible to minimize inconsistent state between the Dark
Oracle and BGP data sources. Inaccurate data sources are often a result of
misinformation so education and enforcing strict network policy can minimize
Despite the best prevention efforts it is still possible to get
misclassification. Two steps to reduce the impact are whitelists and less
aggressive monitoring. It is possible avoid interactions between legitimate
clients and honeypots by whitelisting critical servers. Another technique is
to use less aggressive honeynets. For example, a passive capture system that
is not inline with the network can be used instead of interactive honeypots
for important subnets. Such a system prevents disruption to connectivity but
still allows the collection of detailed data.
6 Dark Oracle Evaluation
In this section we evaluate the proposed architecture and the Dark Oracle
prototype. The evaluation is divided into the three parts. In the first part,
we use data from a regional ISP, a large enterprise, and an academic network
to analyze the quantity, density, and stability of addresses produced by the
external routing, internal routing, and host configuration data sources. In
the second part, we deploy the darktrap and a blackhole route on a live
network and evaluate the visibility provided by the Dark Oracle by comparing
it with existing darknets. Finally, we analyze the effectiveness of using the
addresses discovered by the Dark Oracle for detecting targeted and internal
6.1 Data Source Evaluation
In this subsection we analyze the addresses provided by the different data
sources used in the Dark Oracle.
6.1.1 External Routing: BGP



Figure 6: 2D visualization of IP address blocks in the (a) bogon list, (b)
allocated by RIPE and ARIN, and (c) advertised via BGP as observed by all
RouteViews peers on September 20, 2005. White space represents valid
addresses and black space dark addresses and area is proportional to the
amount of address space.
We begin by comparing the BGP data source to similar sources of global
Internet reachability information and investigate the stability of the
addresses discovered over time. We use address allocations from the major
regional registries and non-routable addresses from the bogon list [12] as two
other major sources of Internet reachability data. To compare data sources we
plotted a snapshot of the prefixes from each data set from September 20, 2005
using a 2D quadrant-based visualization technique that maps all IPv4 space
onto a two-dimensional plane [27]. Unused address space is shown in black and
used address space in white. Area in the plot is directly proportional to the
amount of address space visualized, so a single /8 network takes up 1/256 of
the area in each plot. A plot of the bogon list is shown in Figure 6(a); the
allocation databases of the two largest regional registries, ARIN and RIPE,
are shown in Figure 6(b); and all announced BGP prefixes from RouteViews [34]
in Figure 6(c).

Figure 7: Change in addresses advertised through BGP over time as a
percentage of 32-bit (IPv4) space. BGP advertisements observed by all
RouteViews peers over one month ending September 20th, 2005.
Figure 6 shows how allocation information becomes successively more
fine-grained as one moves down the allocation hierarchy. The figure also shows
qualitatively how the more detailed information provided by the registries and
then BGP reveal highly distributed dark addresses. Quantitatively, BGP also
reveals the most dark addresses. The bogon list indicates 1,898,557,675 dark
addresses, the combined regional registry data reveals 2,396,409,621 dark
addresses, and the BGP data reveals 2,872,949,395 dark addresses.
Another question is the stability of the BGP data. That is, how often are
addresses added or removed. Churn in BGP announcements is well-documented and
although there are often a large number of update messages, we found that the
relative amount of addresses that change is quite small. Figure 7 plots the
absolute number of addresses that change as a percentage of all possible IPv4
space. We found address churn for BGP is typically between 0.01 and 0.001
percent of all IPv4 space (that’s approximately a /16 in size) per 4-hour
We also evaluated the error incurred when sampling the BGP data sources.
The sampling error is shown in Figure 7. Because the data from RouteViews is
updated on a 4-hour basis, the error is zero up to 4 hours. The error with an
8 hour sampling period is 0.04%, which suggests the BGP data source should be
updated more frequently. For example, having the BGP module in the Dark Oracle
peer directly with the border routers would provide more accurate external
reachability information.
6.1.2 Internal Routing: OSPF
To evaluate the use of IGP data for the Dark Oracle, we analyzed OSPF data
captured at a large enterprise and a regional service provider. The large
enterprise was allocated approximately 900,000 addresses by a regional
registry, accounting for 0.02% of all IPv4 space. By analyzing the link state
advertisements, we were able discover the number of addresses that were
internally routable in a certain part of the network. Over a three-week
observation period we discovered 112,423 addresses advertised through OSPF. Of
these, 56,139 addresses were from private address space and 56,284 addresses
were allocated by a regional registry.

Figure 8: Absolute change in number of addresses advertised through
OSPF over 3 months in late 2004 as a percentage of 32-bit (IPv4) space.
Observed on the OSPF backbone of a regional ISP.

Figure 9: Absolute change in number of addresses advertised through
OSPF over 1 month in September 2005 as a percentage of 32-bit (IPv4)
space. Observed on the OSPF backbone of a large enterprise network.
The use of private address space in the enterprise is also very
interesting. The 56,139 private addresses were from all three private prefixes
(i.e.,,, but only covered 0.3% of the
total possible private addresses. This means a huge number of unused private
addresses were available.
The mix of addresses observed through OSPF in the regional service provider
was somewhat different from the enterprise. We observed 20,055,568 allocated
and globally routable addresses, which is 0.47% of IPv4 space. Although this
is much larger than the enterprise, only 512 addresses from private address
space were advertised. This difference may stem from the operational goals of
a provider and an enterprise. An enterprise primarily needs IP addresses for
local reachability, especially when you consider the widespread use of
proxies. On the other hand, a service provider, like the one we profiled,
provides global Internet connectivity and thus globally reachable addresses
are most important. These differences suggest that a service provider should
consider constructing honeynets primarily from globally reachable addresses
and an enterprise from large numbers of private addresses.
The addresses advertised through OSPF at the large enterprise and the
service provider also showed good stability. Figure 8 shows the address churn
at the regional service provider and Figure 9 shows the churn at the large
enterprise. The average churn is approximately 0.00001% of IPv4 space per 8
hours. We also measured the error incurred by sampling the data source at
different intervals. It turned out much of of the churn was due to the
advertisement and withdrawal of a single /32 prefix so the sampling error
remained small. Sampling at one-hour intervals produced very little error, so
if the Dark Oracle was using OSPF data to interpret the passive output of a
blackhole route it could poll the routers instead of participating in OSPF.
6.1.3 Host Configuration: DHCP
To evaluate the utility of the host configuration data source in the Dark
Oracle we analyzed the number and stability of dark addresses provided by a
DHCP server. We used data from a DHCP server deployed in a department in a
large academic network. The DHCP server configuration file included 1,802
static entries to allocate addresses based on MAC address.

Figure 10: Amount of address space allocated to a DHCP
server by /24 subnet in a department of a large academic
organization that was never assigned to a host during
September, 2005. In total, 70% of the addresses allocated
to the DHCP server were never used.

Figure 11: Fraction of unique hosts in the DHCP server
configuration file that obtained or renewed an address over
time. The average number of hosts active at any one time
is approximately 35%. Data over two months in a department
at a large academic organization during September, 2005.
The DHCP server was configured with 1 week lease times.
The DHCP server was assigned a total of 22 /24 subnets from which the 1802
hosts were allocated an IP address. This means that 3319 addresses were never
used. The distribution of these unused addresses by subnet is shown in Figure
10. 16 of the 22 subnets were more than 50% unused leaving a large number of
dark addresses. Equally interesting, the subnet with the most hosts was still
left with 15% of the space unallocated.
We also tracked the amount of time each host was active by monitoring when
hosts were assigned or renewed a DHCP leases from the server. Figure 11 shows
the number of addresses used over two months. Surprisingly, only about 35% of
the 1,802 addresses were in use at any time and the usage was very stable (the
DHCP server was configured with a 1-week lease time which likely improved
stability). To put this in context, if we were to just use OSPF data, we would
observe the 22 subnets allocated to DHCP and assume all 22 were used. But, by
using host configuration data we were able to discover that only about 631
addresses out of the possible 5,566 usable addresses were in use.
We also looked at the sampling error incurred by updating the DHCP data
source less frequently. As shown in Figure 11, the mean sampling error remains
well under 1% for almost 3 days. This is partially related to the long lease
time (one week), but also indicates the Dark Oracle could sample much less
frequently and maintain almost perfectly in-sync.
Finally, one might expect some hosts connecting through DHCP to come and go
with high frequency. We also analyzed how long an address that was newly
classified as dark stayed dark. Over the entire evaluation period we found the
mean time an address was classified as dark was 8.85 days and the median was
18.02 days. Thus, a newly dark address will typically stay dark for at least
two weeks, although certain addresses fluctuate more rapidly (perhaps due to
mobile users).
6.2 Live Deployment Results
In this subsection we evaluate a live deployment of the Dark Oracle on a
real network in a large academic institution. The system was deployed at a
central campus router serving approximately 10,000 unique hosts in two /16

Figure 12: The number of prefixes, dark addresses, and total fraction of IP
space dark captured with a snapshot of each Dark Oracle data source on a day
in September 2005 in a large academic network.
To redirect traffic to our honeynet, we used the darktrap program and
routing blackhole described earlier. darktrap was used to capture traffic to
dark addresses discovered by the BGP and host configuration modules, and a
routing blackhole was used to capture dark addresses in OSPF. darktrap was
executed on a 3Ghz system and input traffic was from an optical tap from a
span port off a Cisco Catalyst 6500. Traffic destined to the routing blackhole
was forwarded to an interface on the same box and integrated with the dark
6.2.1 Addresses Discovered
Before looking at what was detected, we review the number of dark addresses
discovered by the Dark Oracle deployment. The number of prefixes, dark
addresses, and total fraction of IP space that was dark for each data source
is shown in Figure 12. The fraction of address space that was dark for each
data source was computed by taking the number of unused addresses over the
total number of addresses managed by the data source. For example, there were
5,120 total addresses allocated to the DHCP server and out of those, 1,801
addresses were configured to be used by the server. An interesting result
shown in Figure 12 is that more than 50% of the addresses in the external and
internal routing and host configuration sources were dark.
6.2.2 Honeynet Detection Results
To evaluate the utility of the addresses discovered by the Dark Oracle we
now characterize the traffic captured by darktrap and the blackhole route. The
metric we use is the number of unique source addresses observed. The number of
unique source IPs provides a first-order approximation of the number of unique
infected/misconfigured hosts. We make no attempt to separate misconfigured
hosts from infected hosts as both provide important information from the
perspective of network operators. Furthermore, existing signature-based and
prevalence-based detection systems can be used to help identify malicious
traffic [25].



Figure 13: Results from a one week deployment of the Dark Oracle on a large
academic network serving approximately 10,000 hosts. Each graph shows the
result from the BGP, IGP, host configuration Dark Oracle components. A single
/24 darknet is provided for comparison with traditional honeynet monitoring
approaches. (a) shows the number of unique source IPs detected, (b) shows the
number of unique IPs from within the academic institution address space
detected, and (c) shows the number packets per unique source IP.
We now present results from a one week deployment of the Dark Oracle on a
large academic network. The results are shown in Figure 13. For comparison, we
also include results from a single statically allocated /24 darknet and a
darknet composed of only bogon addresses operating during the same time period
within the same academic network.
Source IPs: Figure 13(a) shows the number of unique source IPs
detected at the dark addresses discovered using different Dark Oracle data
sources. The data is separated by IP protocol. UDP source addresses are
sometimes spoofed but the source address on TCP packets are most often valid
in order complete the handshake.
The huge number of IPs detected by the IGP and host configuration data
sources indicates the importance of having both breadth and good placement.
The DHCP data source observed almost 13 times more addresses than the single
/24 darknets. Recall that the IGP and host configuration data sources can
capture attacks coming into the network. Thus, the almost 80,000 source IPs
detected are likely externally-sourced attacks coming into the network. In
contrast, the few thousand IPs detected by the bogon and BGP data sources are
likely hosts on the same network.
Local Source IPs: To evaluate the locality of the detection results
we plotted only those source IPs that were within the address space of the
academic network. The results shown in Figure 13(b) indicate that the
addresses from the bogon and BGP data sources detected locally
infected/misconfigured hosts while the IGP and DHCP data sources revealed
external hosts.
Destinations Per Source IP: The bogon and BGP data sources provide
addresses for outgoing honeynets and thus information on
infected/misconfigured hosts from inside the network. However, the bogon and
BGP data sources also reveal many more addresses than the other data sources
so we would expect those addresses to capture a higher percentage of the
packets from each infected/misconfigured host. Figure 13(c) plots the average
number of packets sent by hosts detected with addresses from each data source.
As expected, the bogon and BGP data sources provided addresses that have a
higher probability of detecting a local host and thus are well-suited for
local detection.
6.2.3 Classification Error
To track the number of misclassifications made by the Dark Oracle we wrote
a program called addrmon that monitored the same router span port as darktrap
and flagged an IP address as active if it observed that address sending an IP
packet. Throughout the entire week-long period we observed 11,118 active IPs
on the network. 45 of those IPs were classified as dark by the Dark Oracle (we
removed those addresses from our analysis). It is also important to note that
we just looked for a single packet so some of those 45 addresses could have
been spoofed, and thus were actually dark. Further investigation of those
addresses revealed that they were nearly all statically configured hosts.
6.3 Detecting Targeted Attacks
We have shown how the Dark Oracle provides many dark addresses but equally
or more important, those addresses are highly distributed throughout the
network. We now evaluate how the distributed property of these addresses
provides visibility into targeted attacks that would be missed by existing
contiguously allocated honeynet systems. Because the addresses are located in
many different subnets, honeynet sensors can be pervasively deployed in
hundreds or thousands of different parts of the network near to production
systems and critical network assets.
To evaluate the importance of having distributed dark addresses we now
analyze the time small but wellplaced sensors take to detect different
targeted attacks. We model an intelligent attacker that has knowledge of which
subnets contain vulnerable hosts. Our model is based on botnet scanning
behavior which we empirically demonstrated in Section 3. Thus, rather than
scanning the entire IPv4 address space the attacker will chose a specific
subset like a /24 or /16 to scan.

Figure 14: Time required to observe with 95% confidence a packet from a
host randomly scanning different ranges of addresses with 4 different sized
A random scan of IP space is a straightforward process to model. Previous
work has looked at the question of how big a darknet needs to be to detect a
random scanning worm with a certain confidence [21]. We can take that
understanding and extend it to understand targeted scan detection. Moore et
al. [21] found that the probability of observing one or more packets from a
host with a random scan rate r using a detector with coverage p after time T
is given by P(t <= T) = 1 - (1 - p)rT. They also found that the amount of time
T needed to assure a certain probability Z of detecting at least one packet
from a scanning host is given by T = -1 / (rlog1/Z(1 - p))
In Figure 14, we plot the detection rate with darknets of different sizes
as a function of the width of a targeted scan using the above equation. This
model the time needed to assure a 95% confidence of detecting a packet from a
scan of a certain number of addresses using a darknet having a certain number
of addresses. For example, it takes about one minute to detect a packet from a
/16 (65,536 addresses) scan with 95% confidence using a /24 (256 addresses)
darknet sensor located within the scan range. Detecting a packet from the same
scan with the same confidence using a /32 (a single host) would take 5.5
hours. Also, the same local /16 scan could not be detected by a /16 or /8
sensor, which are too large so they are simply not applicable.
The surprising result of this analysis is that even a darknet covering a
single address in the right place is an effective tool at detecting targeted
scanning behavior. Highly-distributed dark addresses from the Dark Oracle
provided by data sources like DHCP and BGP therefore provide the capability to
quickly detect targeted incoming and outgoing scans from botnets and other
7 Limitations and Future Work
We wrap up our discussion of the Dark Oracle by discussing possible
limitations of the system, describing other novel data sources that could be
used to enhance visibility, and detailing how data from different
organizations could be combined to construct a powerful, globally-scoped
One limitation in deploying a system like the Dark Oracle is the need for
access to host configuration data sources. Real networks are complicated and
there are often machines that are not in common allocation databases. For
example, data centers often have systems with statically configured addresses
and many departments manage addresses differently. Informing the Dark Oracle
about statically configured machines or getting access to host configuration
information in certain parts of the network may not be practical.
Another limitation is address misclassification due to data source
instability or inaccuracy. We discussed this issue in Section 5.6 and related
several preventive measures to mitigate risk.
There is also the possibility that an attacker could fingerprint the dark
addresses and attempt to avoid them. Beyond the simple defense of making the
honeynets act as much like real systems as possible, the huge range of dark
addresses discovered by the Dark Oracle provides strong defense. For example,
it is possible to respond with honeypots from IPs that randomly rotate based
on the source IP of the attacker. Such simple defenses render algorithms like
probe response attacks far more difficult to execute [5]. Even with a complete
map of dark addresses, it is impractical to encode them in self-propagating
malware like worms due to payload size constraints [38].

Figure 15: Mean number of TCP port unused per unique local source IP per 5
minutes on a large enterprise and large academic network over a few days.
Measurements done in June 2004 and October 2005.
The flexibility that makes the Dark Oracle resistant to fingerprinting also
makes it very expandable. Because the data sources used in the Dark Oracle are
independent, it is simple to deploy the Dark Oracle in stages and add new data
sources as needed. There are many data sources that provide allocation data
with other interesting perspectives. For example, dark addresses in the
address blocks assigned to VPN servers, addresses blocked by network-based and
host-based firewalls, and even ACL violations in routers.
One promising pool of dark addresses that could be used with the Dark
Oracle is unused TCP and UDP ports. The live computers sitting around a
network are often idle and have many unused TCP and UDP ports. A daemon
running on each end host could inform the Dark Oracle about these unused ports
and packets destined to these unused ports could instead be forwarded to a
As a preliminary investigation of the idea of monitoring unused ports we
measured the mean number of ports that were used per 5 minutes per local
source IP address in the large enterprise and academic network. As Figure 15
shows, there are many unused ports that could be leveraged. Hosts on the
academic network used less then 1,000 ports on average which is far less then
the possible 65,335 ports. The spikes in the enterprise data are interesting
and are likely correlated with backup activity.
Another interesting research area lies in sharing the allocation data
between organizations to improve global visibility. Previous work has looked
at sharing dark addresses between an ISP and its customer [16], but it is also
possible to connect Dark Oracle instances together to form a global network of
fine-grain dark address information services. This would enable organizations
to construct much more robust outgoing filtering devices.
8 Conclusion
This paper has introduced the Dark Oracle, a system that automates the
process of discovering unused and unreachable addresses inside a network. We
described a general architecture that integrates external routing data like
BGP, internal routing data like OSPF, and host configuration data like DHCP
server logs to construct a locally-accurate map of dark addresses. We
experimentally evaluated the Dark Oracle using data from a large enterprise
network, a regional ISP, and deployment of the Dark Oracle on a large academic
network. We showed how the Dark Oracle provided addresses that revealed almost
80,000 unique source IPs compared to 4,000 with a traditional /24 darknet. We
also demonstrated how the unique perspective of Dark Oracle provided
visibility into internal threats and targeted attacks. Finally, we described
future work and extensions to the Dark Oracle such as leveraging unused TCP
and UDP ports on live hosts and combining many Dark Oracles to construct a
global dark network.
This work was supported by the Department of Homeland Security (DHS)
under contract number NBCHC040146, and by corporate gifts from Intel
Corporation and Cisco Corporation.
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