USENIX ATC '11 was part of USENIX Federated Conferences Week.
Back for 2011, USENIX is combining training, established conferences, and workshops on hot topics into one week, chock full of research, trends, and community interaction. Customize the program to meet your needs.

Your daily registration for USENIX ATC '11 gets you into all the events happening those days: tutorials, talks, workshops—you name it. Plus, registration packages offer expanded discounts. The more days you attend, the more you save! USENIX ATC '11 takes place at the Portland Marriott Downtown Waterfront.
Thanks to those of you who joined us in Portland, OR, for USENIX ATC '11! See what people are saying about FCW '11.
Check out the videos of the talks, online proceedings, and slides here. The conference reports from ;login: are now online. Access to the videos is currently restricted to USENIX members and conference attendees. Not a member? Join today!
E-Book Proceedings: Read the proceedings on the go in iPad-friendly EPUB format or Kindle-friendly Mobipocket format.
USENIX ATC '11 Attendees: Tell Us What You Think!
Your feedback is important to us. Check your email for the attendee survey and help create the workshop that meets your needs.
USENIX ATC '11 was held in conjunction with the 2011 USENIX Federated Conferences Week, June 14–17, 2011.
Program Chairs
Jason Nieh, Columbia University
Carl Waldspurger
Program Committee
Keith Adams, Facebook
Saman Amarasinghe, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Muli Ben-Yehuda, Technion and IBM Research
George Candea, EPFL
Leendert van Doorn, AMD
Dilma Da Silva, IBM Research
Dawson Engler, Stanford University
Úlfar Erlingsson, Google
Alexandra Fedorova, Simon Fraser University
Bryan Ford, Yale University
Dirk Grunwald, University of Colorado at Boulder
Ajay Gulati, VMware
Hermann Härtig, Technische Universität Dresden
Wilson Hsieh, Google
Angelos Keromytis, Columbia University
Eddie Kohler, University of California, Los Angeles/Meraki
Monica Lam, Stanford University
Ed Nightingale, Microsoft Research
Kai Shen, University of Rochester
Alex C. Snoeren, University of California, San Diego
Ravi Soundararajan, VMware
Michael Swift, University of Wisconsin—Madison
Andy Tucker, NetApp
Volkmar Uhlig, Teza Group
Richard West, Boston University
Alec Wolman, Microsoft Research
Junfeng Yang, Columbia University
Erez Zadok, Stony Brook University
Poster Session Chair
Ajay Gulati, VMware