USITS '99 - Call for Papers - Concurrent SubmissionsUSENIX

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Because the submission deadline for USITS was moved to precede the notification deadline for SIGCOMM'99, we will permit authors to submit papers to USITS that are substantially similar to SIGCOMM submissions.  These USITS submissions must be identified as being dependent on rejection from SIGCOMM.

In addition, The TFIW and the USENIX Association are cosponsoring ASA/MA'99, which will take place shortly before USITS.  The organizers of USITS'99 and ASA/MA'99  recognize that some papers are appropriate for either conference.  By special arrangement, a single paper can be submitted to both conferences, and then withdrawn from ASA if accepted at USITS.  If the USITS program committee rejects a paper that has been designated as being appropriate for ASA, it will forward the reviewers' comments to the ASA program committee.


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First posted: 7 Mar. 1999 pc
Last changed: 7 Mar. 1999 pc
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