
Search results

    Privacy-Sensitive VM RetrospectionHotCloud '11Wolfgang Richter, Glenn Ammons, Jan Harkes, Adam Goode, Nilton Bila, Eyal de Lara, Vasanth Bala, Mahadev Satyanarayanan
    EVE: Verifying Correct Execution of Cloud-Hosted Web ApplicationsHotCloud '11Suman Jana, Vitaly Shmatikov
    Look Who's Talking: Discovering Dependencies between Virtual Machines Using CPU UtilizationHotCloud '10Renuka Apte, Liting Hu, Karsten Schwan, Arpan Ghosh
    Panel: Barriers to Cloud Adoption and Research OpportunitiesHotCloud '10Erich Nahum, Trent Jaeger, Orran Krieger
    Seawall: Performance Isolation for Cloud Datacenter NetworksHotCloud '10Alan Shieh, Srikanth Kandula, Albert Greenberg, Changhoon Kim
    Performance Profiling in a Virtualized EnvironmentHotCloud '10Jiaqing Du, Nipun Sehrawat, Willy Zwaenepoel
    The Case for Energy-Oriented Partial Desktop MigrationHotCloud '10Nilton Bila, Eyal de Lara, Matti Hiltunen, Kaustubh Joshi, H. Andrés Lagar-Cavilla, M. Satyanarayanan
    Energy Efficiency of Mobile Clients in Cloud ComputingHotCloud '10Antti P. Miettinen, Jukka K. Nurminen
    CloudCmp: Shopping for a Cloud Made EasyHotCloud '10Ang Li, Xiaowei Yang, Ming Zhang
    Distributed Systems Meet Economics: Pricing in the CloudHotCloud '10Hongyi Wang, Qingfeng Jing, Rishan Chen, Bingsheng He, Zhengping Qian, Lidong Zhou
    See Spot Run: Using Spot Instances for MapReduce WorkflowsHotCloud '10Navraj Chohan, Claris Castillo, Mike Spreitzer, Malgorzata Steinder, Asser Tantawi, Chandra Krintz
    Disaster Recovery as a Cloud Service: Economic Benefits & Deployment ChallengesHotCloud '10Timothy Wood, Emmanuel Cecchet, K.K. Ramakrishnan, Prashant Shenoy, Jacobus van der Merwe, Arun Venkataramani
    CiteSeerx: A Cloud PerspectiveHotCloud '10Pradeep B. Teregowda, Bhuvan Urgaonkar, C. Lee Giles
    Spark: Cluster Computing with Working SetsHotCloud '10Matei Zaharia, Mosharaf Chowdhury, Michael J. Franklin, Scott Shenker, Ion Stoica
    Turning Down the LAMP: Software Specialisation for the CloudHotCloud '10Anil Madhavapeddy, Richard Mortier, Ripduman Sohan, Thomas Gazagnaire, Steven Hand, Tim Deegan, Derek McAuley, Jon Crowcroft
    Scripting the Cloud with SkywritingHotCloud '10Derek G. Murray, Steven Hand
    Toward Risk Assessment as a Service in Cloud EnvironmentsHotCloud '10Burton S. Kaliski Jr., Wayne Pauley
    Information-Acquisition-as-a-Service for Cyber-Physical Cloud ComputingHotCloud '10Silviu S. Craciunas, Andreas Haas, Christoph M. Kirsch, Hannes Payer, Harald Röck, Andreas Rottmann, Ana Sokolova, Rainer Trummer, Joshua Love, Raja Sengupta
    A First Look at Problems in the CloudHotCloud '10Theophilus Benson, Sambit Sahu, Aditya Akella, Anees Shaikh
    Secure Cloud Computing with a Virtualized Network InfrastructureHotCloud '10Fang Hao, T.V. Lakshman, Sarit Mukherjee, Haoyu Song
