All Conferences

USENIX conferences, as well as events held in cooperation with USENIX, are listed in reverse chronological order below.

Title Acronym Datesort ascending Location
First USENIX Workshop on Sustainable Information Technology SustainIT '10 February 22, 2010 San Jose, CA , United States
2nd USENIX Workshop on the Theory and Practice of Provenance TaPP '10 February 22, 2010 San Jose, CA, United States
ACM/IFIP/USENIX 10th International Middleware Conference Middleware 2009 November 30, 2009December 4, 2009
Symposium on Computer-Human Interaction for Management of Information Technology
Sponsored by ACM in association with USENIX
CHIMIT 09 November 7, 2009November 8, 2009
23rd Large Installation System Administration Conference

Sponsored by USENIX and SAGE in cooperation with LOPSA and SNIA

LISA '09 November 1, 2009November 6, 2009 Baltimore, MD, United States
SOSP '09: 22nd ACM Symposium on Operating Systems Principles

Sponsored by ACM SIGOPS in cooperation with USENIX

SOSP '09 October 11, 2009October 14, 2009 Big Sky, MT, United States
USENIX Education on the Road: Texas USENIX Education on the Road August 20, 2009 Denton, TX, United States
4th USENIX Workshop on Hot Topics in Security HotSec '09 August 11, 2009 Montreal, Canada, Canada
Fourth Workshop on Security Metrics MetriCon 4.0 August 11, 2009
18th USENIX Security Symposium USENIX Security '09 August 10, 2009August 14, 2009 Montreal, Quebec, Canada
18th USENIX Security Symposium USENIX Security '09 August 10, 2009August 14, 2009 Montreal, Canada, Canada
3rd USENIX Workshop on Offensive Technologies WOOT '09 August 10, 2009 Montreal, Canada, Canada
2nd Workshop on Cyber Security Experimentation and Test CSET '09 August 10, 2009 Montreal, Canada, Canada
2009 Electronic Voting Technology Workshop/ Workshop on Trustworthy Elections EVT/WOTE '09 August 10, 2009August 11, 2009 Montreal, Quebec, Canada
Workshop on Hot Topics in Cloud Computing HotCloud '09 June 15, 2009 San Diego, CA, United States
