All Conferences

USENIX conferences, as well as events held in cooperation with USENIX, are listed in reverse chronological order below.

Title Acronym Datesort ascending Location
6th USENIX Workshop on Hot Topics in Security HotSec '11 August 9, 2011 San Francisco, CA, United States
Sixth Workshop on Security Metrics MetriCon 6.0 August 9, 2011 San Francisco, CA, United States
2nd USENIX Workshop on Health Security and Privacy HealthSec '11 August 9, 2011 San Francisco, CA, United States
USENIX Workshop on Free and Open Communications on the Internet FOCI '11 August 8, 2011 San Francisco, CA, United States
4th Workshop on Cyber Security Experimentation and Test CSET '11 August 8, 2011 San Francisco, CA, United States
5th USENIX Workshop on Offensive Technologies WOOT '11 August 8, 2011 San Francisco, CA, United States
2011 Electronic Voting Technology Workshop/Workshop on Trustworthy Elections

Co-located with USENIX Security '11

EVT/WOTE '11 August 8, 2011August 9, 2011 San Francisco, CA, United States
The 2nd ACM SIGOPS Asia-Pacific Workshop on Systems

Sponsored by ACM SIGOPS in cooperation with USENIX

APSys 2011 July 11, 2011July 12, 2011 Shanghai, China, United States
The 9th Annual International Conference on Mobile Systems, Applications, and Services

Jointly sponsored by USENIX and ACM SIGMOBILE in cooperation with ACM SIGOPS

MobiSys 2011 June 28, 2011July 1, 2011 Washington, DC, United States
3rd USENIX Workshop on the Theory and Practice of Provenance

Sponsored by USENIX in cooperation with ACM SIGMOD, ACM SIGPLAN, and the W3C Greece Office

TaPP '11 June 20, 2011June 21, 2011 Heraklion, Crete Greece, United States
2nd USENIX Conference on Web Application Development WebApps '11 June 15, 2011June 16, 2011 Portland, OR, United States
2011 USENIX Annual Technical Conference USENIX ATC '11 June 15, 2011June 17, 2011 Portland, OR, United States
3rd Workshop on Hot Topics in Storage and File Systems HotStorage '11 June 14, 2011 Portland, OR, United States
3rd USENIX Workshop on Hot Topics in Cloud Computing

Sponsored by USENIX in cooperation with ACM SIGOPS

HotCloud '11 June 14, 2011June 15, 2011 Portland, OR, United States
3rd Workshop on I/O Virtualization WIOV '11 June 14, 2011 Portland, OR, United States
