All Conferences

USENIX conferences, as well as events held in cooperation with USENIX, are listed in reverse chronological order below.

Title Acronym Datesort descending Location
USENIX Education on the Road: Rhode Island USENIX Education on the Road: Rhode Island August 23, 2007
2007 Linux Kernel Developers Summit 2007 Linux Kernel Developers Summit September 4, 2007September 6, 2007 Cambridge, United Kingdom
Internet Measurement Conference 2007

Sponsored by ACM SIGCOMM in cooperation with USENIX

IMC 2007 October 24, 2007October 26, 2007 San Diego, CA, United States
21st Large Installation System Administration Conference

Sponsored by USENIX and SAGE

LISA '07 November 11, 2007November 16, 2007 Dallas, TX, United States
ACM/IFIP/USENIX 8th International Middleware Conference Middleware 2007 November 26, 2007November 30, 2007
Ninth Workshop on Mobile Computing Systems and Applications

Sponsored by ACM SIGMOBILE in cooperation with USENIX

HotMobile 2008 February 25, 2008February 26, 2008 Napa Valley, CA, United States
2008 Linux Storage & Filesystem Workshop LSF '08 February 25, 2008February 26, 2008 San Jose, CA, United States
6th USENIX Conference on File and Storage Technologies

Sponsored by USENIX in cooperation with ACM SIGOPS, IEEE Mass Storage Systems Technical Committee (MSSTC), and IEEE TCOS

FAST '08 February 26, 2008February 29, 2008 San Jose, CA, United States
2008 ACM SIGPLAN/SIGOPS International Conference on Virtual Execution Environments

Sponsored by ACM SIGPLAN and SIGOPS in cooperation with USENIX

VEE '08 March 5, 2008March 7, 2008 Seattle, WA, United States
USENIX Education on the Road: Missouri USENIX Education on the Road: Missouri March 6, 2008
USENIX Education on the Road: Utah USENIX Education on the Road: Utah March 13, 2008
Usability, Psychology, and Security 2008 UPSEC '08 April 14, 2008 San Francisco, CA, United States
Workshop on Organizing Workshops, Conferences, and Symposia for Computer Systems WOWCS '08 April 15, 2008 San Francisco, CA, United States
First USENIX Workshop on Large-Scale Exploits and Emergent Threats LEET '08 April 15, 2008 San Francisco, CA, United States
5th USENIX Symposium on Networked Systems Design and Implementation

Sponsored by USENIX in cooperation with ACM SIGCOMM and ACM SIGOPS

NSDI '08 April 16, 2008April 18, 2008 San Francisco, CA, United States
