USENIX Security '22 Final Artifact Appendix Instructions

Here we provide instructions to prepare your final Artifact Appendix submission (and related information) in case your original submission has been awarded badges during Artifact Evaluation.

Artifact Appendix

The final version of the Artifact Appendix follows the same format as the submitted version, so you must use the same LaTeX template and follow the same guidelines. When uploading your appendix, make sure you:

  • only include the Appendix (no paper) in the PDF
  • preserve (sub)section names, order, and "obligatory" constraints (including the Version subsection)
  • include the final stable URL if relevant (see below)
  • do not include the paper title, author list, or page numbers in the PDF

Finally, please follow all the recommendations from the reviewers when preparing the final version.

You can submit the final Artifact Appendix PDF directly via hotcrp by the final version deadline. Along with any awarded badges, the submitted PDF will be hosted on the USENIX Security website and also appear in the next edition’s proceedings.

Stable URL

If you have been awarded an "Artifacts Available" badge, you need to provide a final stable URL for the artifact via HotCRP ("'Artifacts Available' badge: Final stable URL" field) along with your Artifact Appendix (which should include the same stable URL) by the final version deadline. Note that the URL may be different from the originally submitted URL to reflect any changes that occurred during Artifact Evaluation.

To provide a stable URL, we encourage authors to use Zenodo, which is a publicly-funded long-term storage platform that also assigns a DOI for your artifact. Other valid hosting options include institutional repositories and third-party digital repositories (e.g., FigShare, Dryad, Software Heritage, GitHub, or GitLab). Note that personal web pages are not considered a stable URL. For repositories that can evolve over time (e.g., GitHub), a stable reference to the evaluated version (e.g., a URL pointing to a commit hash or tag) is required. In other words, a URL of the form does not alone qualify as a stable version. Appropriate equivalents would be or, respectively.

Adding Badges

Please add to your artifact the badges your paper was awarded using the 'usenixbadges' LaTeX package.

If you would like to prepare a badge-ready version of your paper to host on your personal website, please add the final Artifact Appendix to the very end of the PDF and any badges you have been awarded to the first page using the same LaTeX package.