Professor Awais Rashid is Director of the REPHRAIN Centre which includes > 80 researchers across 11 universities as well as 25 partners from government, industry and third sector organisations. He is also Director of the EPSRC Centre for Doctoral Training in Trust, Identity, Privacy & Security at Scale with an annual minimum intake of 10 doctoral students per year. His research interests are in secure software development, security of cyber-physical systems and human factors. He has published on security and privacy in software systems at major venues such as International Conference on Software Engineering, PoPETS, ACM CHI and USENIX SOUPS as well as journals such as IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security, ACM Transactions on Privacy and Security, ACM Transactions on Software Engineering Methodology. Rashid has extensive experience of building testbeds. He led the development of the state-of-the-art testbed on cyber-physical systems, the leading facility in the UK (currently in its 3rd generation), which underpins multiple major programmes of research.
Awais Rashid
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