Derek Care, Legal Director, Privacy at Uber; Nishant Bhajaria, Privacy Architecture and Strategy at Uber
Building privacy governance for a decentralized and innovative workplace is challenging but can help earn customer trust and competitive differentiation.
In this session, an engineer and an attorney will explain how you can execute this during data collection and data sharing to provide an end-to-end privacy program for your most valued stakeholders: your users.
There are several challenges when instrumenting this: measuring risk for the data you collect, tailoring your security tools for privacy, sharing data with privacy in mind and quantifying improvements and investments.
In order to succeed, there is a combination of engineering techniques and management know-how that is critical. The speakers will share their experiences and lessons on how you engage engineers, privacy/security specialists and executive leadership in service of user data privacy.
Derek Care, Legal Director, Privacy at Uber

Nishant Bhajaria, Privacy Architecture and Strategy at Uber

author = {Derek Care and Nishant Bhajaria},
title = {Privacy Architecture for {Data-Driven} Innovation},
booktitle = {2020 {USENIX} Conference on Privacy Engineering Practice and Respect ({PEPR} 20)},
year = {2020},
url = {},
publisher = {USENIX Association},
month = oct