Marcus is a Computer Science Assistant Professor at Texas A&M University (TAMU). Marcus holds a Computer Science PhD (Federal University of Paraná, Brazil, 2021), Master in Computer Science (University of Campinas, Brazil, 2017), and a Computer Engineering Bachelor (University of Campinas, Brazil, 2015). His main research interests are malware analysis, reverse engineering, and the science of security. Marcus’ master dissertation was awarded by the Brazilian Computer Society (SBC) the best security research work developed in Brazil in 2017. Marcus published papers in top-venues (ACM TOPS, DIMVA, IEEE TDSC, and others) and he is currently a PC member for USENIX Security 2022 and 2023. Marcus was also awarded a student grant to attend USENIX Enigma 2019 and he was a USENIX Enigma 2021 speaker.
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