René Mayrhofer is currently heading the Android Platform Security team and tries to make recent advances in usable, mobile security research available to the Billions of Android users. He is on leave from the Institute of Networks and Security at Johannes Kepler University Linz (JKU), Austria, where he continues to supervise PhD and Master students. Previously, he held a full professorship for Mobile Computing at Upper Austria University of Applied Sciences, Campus Hagenberg, a guest professorship for Mobile Computing at University of Vienna, and a Marie Curie Fellowship at Lancaster University, UK. His research interests include computer security, mobile devices, network communication, and machine learning, which he currently brings together in his work on securing mobile devices. Within the scope of u'smile, the Josef Ressel Center for User-friendly Secure Mobile Environments, his research group looked into full-stack security of mobile devices from hardware through firmware up to user interaction aspect. One particular outcome was a prototype for a privacy conscious Austrian mobile Driving License (AmDL) on Android smartphones supported by tamper-resistant hardware.