Sunny Consolvo, Google
This talk will present results of a qualitative study of the digital privacy and security practices and challenges of survivors of intimate partner abuse (IPA). We propose a framework for organizing survivors' technology practices and challenges into three phases: physical control, escape, and life apart. This framework is intended to help technology creators consider how survivors of IPA can leverage new and existing technologies. Overall, our results suggest that the usability of and control over privacy and security functions should be or continue to be high priorities for technology creators seeking ways to better support survivors of IPA.
Sunny Consolvo leads Google's Security & Privacy User Experience team. Sunny and her team spend most of their time focusing on usable privacy and security. Sunny received her Ph.D. in Information Science from the University of Washington. She is a member of the Editorial Board for IEEE Pervasive Computing and the PACM on Interactive, Mobile, Wearable, and Ubiquitous Technologies (IMWUT). She became a Certified Information Privacy Professional (US) in 2013.