Deadline Approaching for the LOPSA-East CFP

From our friends at LOPSA, a reminder that the Call for Participation deadline for LOPSA-EAST '14 is Friday, January 31, 2014. USENIX is pleased to be an in-cooperation sponsor.


The organizers of the LOPSA-East Professional IT Community Conference invite you to submit proposals for presentations at LOPSA-EAST '14!

FAST '14 Grants: Google sponsors grants for women

If you or a student you know wants a grant to attend FAST '14, don't procrastinate. The student grant application deadline is Thursday, January 16.

Intro to the Art of Balancing Professional and Personal

Intro to the Art of Balancing Professional and Personal is a guest post by Máirín “Mo” Duffy, the principal interaction designer at Red Hat. Mo explains what career considerations to keep in mind if you make a name change or decide to add on to your family. This article is the fourth installment in our new USENIX Women in Advanced Computing (WiAC) series:

Handling Community Conflict (Like a Boss)

Handling Community Conflict (Like a Boss) is a guest post by Emma Jane Westby, an author and trainer specializing in Drupal site building and theming materials. This article is the third installment in our new USENIX Women in Advanced Computing (WiAC) series:

New Year's Resolutions for SysAdmins

Ah, a new year, with old systems. If you recently took time off to relax with friends and family and ring in 2014, perhaps you're feeling rejuvenated and ready to break bad old habits and develop good new ones. We asked our friends and followers on Twitter, Facebook, and G+ what system administration resolutions they're making for 2014, and here's what they said:

Annual Fund: Support USENIX and Open Access

Annual Fund letter from the USENIX Co-Executive Directors:

At USENIX, we believe in open access, in sharing research and ideas for the good of everyone. We have always been on the forefront of the open access movement by offering our conference proceedings to the public one year after publication. In 2008, we again set the standard by making our proceedings entirely free and open upon publication; we did the same with our conference videos in 2010.

LISA '13: Video, Audio, and Photos (open access)

This week we posted our official USENIX LISA '13 conference videos and photos. For your browsing pleasure, I've created this streamlined clickable list. (Don't forget to follow LISA on Twitter, G+, and Facebook to stay updated on LISA '14 news.)

Google Code-in Contest for Teens Kicks Off

Yesterday we got a heads up from Cat Allman that the Google Code-in Contest for Teens starts Monday, November 18. Many of you might remember Cat from her days as the USENIX Sales Director, and now she's over at Google working as the Program Manager - Outreach, Open Source Programs Office. Here's the scoop:


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