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Linking Shared Segments. USENIX Winter 1993 Conference (USENIX Winter 1993 Conference).
1993. Local Area Mobile Computing on Stock Hardware and Mostly Stock Software. USENIX Mobile & Location-Independent Computing Symposium (USENIX Mobile & Location-Independent Computing Symposium).
1993. Local Disk Depot - Customizing the Software Environment. USENIX Seventh System Administration Conference (LISA 93).
1993. Long Running Jobs in an Authenticated Environment. 4th UNIX Security Symposium (UNIX Security 93).
1993. LUDE: A Distributed Software Library. USENIX Seventh System Administration Conference (LISA 93).
1993. Managing the Mission Critical Environment. USENIX Seventh System Administration Conference (LISA 93).
1993. Measurement, Analysis, and Improvement of UDP/IP Throughput for the DECstation 5000. USENIX Winter 1993 Conference (USENIX Winter 1993 Conference).
1993. Measuring Lock Performance in Multiprocessor Operating System Kernels. USENIX Experiences with Distributed and Multiprocessor Systems (SEDMS IV).
1993. Mether-NFS: A Modified NFS Which Supports Virtual Shared Memory. USENIX Experiences with Distributed and Multiprocessor Systems (SEDMS IV).
1993. Methods for Maintaining One Source Tree in a Heterogeneous Environment. USENIX Seventh System Administration Conference (LISA 93).
1993. Is Microkernel Technology Well Suited for the Support of Object-Oriented Systems: The Guide Experience. USENIX Microkernels and Other Architectures Symposium (USENIX Microkernels and Other Architectures Symposium).
1993. MIKE: A Distributed object-oriented programming platform on top of the Mach micro-kernel. USENIX Mach III Symposium (USENIX Mach III Symposium).
1993. Mobile Computing Environment Based on Internet Packet Forwarding. USENIX Winter 1993 Conference (USENIX Winter 1993 Conference).
1993. A Mobile Networking System Based on Internet Protocol (IP}}}}). USENIX Mobile & Location-Independent Computing Symposium (USENIX Mobile & Location-Independent Computing Symposium).
1993. MVM - An Environment for Running Multiple DOS, Windows and DPMI Programs on the Microkernel. USENIX Mach III Symposium (USENIX Mach III Symposium).
1993. The Nachos Instructional Operating System. USENIX Winter 1993 Conference (USENIX Winter 1993 Conference).
1993. NUMACROS: Data Parallel Programming on NUMA Multiprocessors. USENIX Experiences with Distributed and Multiprocessor Systems (SEDMS IV).
1993. Object-Oriented Transaction Processing in the KeyKOS Microkernel . USENIX Microkernels and Other Architectures Symposium (USENIX Microkernels and Other Architectures Symposium).
1993. Open Systems Formal Evaluation Process. USENIX Seventh System Administration Conference (LISA 93).
1993. Opening Remarks. {USENIX} Microkernels and Other Architectures Symposium ({USENIX} Microkernels and Other Architectures Symposium).
1993. Operating System Support for Portable Filesystem Extensions. USENIX Winter 1993 Conference (USENIX Winter 1993 Conference).
1993. Optimizing UNIX Resource Scheduling for User Interaction. USENIX Summer 1993 Technical Conference (USENIX Summer 1993 Technical Conference).
1993. The Organization of Networks in Plan 9. USENIX Winter 1993 Conference (USENIX Winter 1993 Conference).
1993. An OS/2 Personality on Mach. USENIX Mach III Symposium (USENIX Mach III Symposium).
1993. An OSF/1 UNIX for Massively Parallel Multicomputers. USENIX Winter 1993 Conference (USENIX Winter 1993 Conference).