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Establishing and Administering a Public Access Internet facility

Sheri Byrne
Gemini Learning Center


In a perfect world, Internet access should be available to anyone who wants it. In reality, that is not an easily achievable goal. In many geographical locations, there are "haves"—people with Internet access via large corporations or academic connections, and "have nots"— contractors, consultants, and employees of small companies with no way of accessing the Internet.

The Calgary Unix Users Group (CUUG) Computer Resource Centre (CRC) was established in March 1991 to provide UNIX facilities and Internet connections to its members. This paper describes the evolutionary process that went into the conception, establishment, and current operation of the CUUG CRC (Internet address This includes both technical issues such as physical administration of the systems, and non-technical (but equally important) issues such as coordinating volunteer and fundraising activities and legal ramifications.

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