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Second USENIX Conference on Object-Oriented Technologies (COOTS), 1996

Software Composition with Extended Entity-Relationship Diagrams

Pornsiri Muenchaisri and Toshimi Minoura
Oregon State University, Corvallis, Oregon


We introduce a compositional approach to application software construction. In our approach, an extended entity-relationship diagram (EERD), which represents the component types and the relationship types within an application domain, is used as a template of executable programs in that application domain. As we use structural active objects as the components of a program, we can obtain an executable program simply by connecting them as dictated by an EERD. Furthermore, the graphical editor in the proposed software development environment uses EERDs as menus in constructing an application software. An EERD used as a menu can enforce legitimate patterns of relationships among components besides that they provide an intuitive view of available components and possible relationships among them.
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