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Supporting Diversity & Change

Automatically supporting such diversity and rate of change requires two main features from a configuration system: Firstly, there must be some representation of the configuration information which is stored independently of the host systems. This may be simple copies of machine configuration files stored on a central server, or it may be a more complex ``database''. Secondly, the system must be capable of tracking changes to the configuration and applying them to individual machines as necessary, rather than requiring an explicit reconfiguration operation. cfengine [7,6] is a popular system which addresses this problem.

Both the format and the structure of the configuration information are very important. An obvious solution is to store configuration files in the same format as they appear on the target host, but this coarse grain approach means that the configuration system is not aware of the relationships between data in the various files; for example, the ``owner'' of a machine may have special access rights which involves the username appearing in several different configuration files, and we would like to be able to change this at a single point. Storing the configuration specifications in a more abstract format allows the configuration to be examined and manipulated in a more meaningful way. It also provides a degree of platform independence, analogous to using a high-level programming language which can be transformed into code for any specific platform. The configuration system may use this information to generate traditional configuration files or the services on the host machine may be modified to read this configuration format directly.

An object-oriented structure is usually the most convenient way of organising the configuration information. Hosts usually fall into various different categories (laptop, web server, student desktop, etc.) and it is natural to specify new machines by using inheritance to describe just the difference (if any) between the new machine and some existing category. Many systems adopt this approach with varying degrees of sophistication (for example [15,14,16]). Once the information is available in this high-level form, there is considerable potential for analysing and generating the specification automatically. This opens up the possibility of treating the configuration of a whole site as a complete entity; for example, we should be able to prevent a gateway being removed while there are still clients which depend on it.

The process of actually changing a machine configuration to match a particular specification is not normally straightforward. Ideally, we would like this to take place automatically as soon as the specification is changed. Sometimes this is possible; for example changing the an entry in a TCP wrapper. However, changing the disk partitioning is probably not desirable, or even possible, while a machine is in use. In practice, changes take place at different times, as appropriate; sometimes immediately, sometimes from a nightly cron job and sometimes at reboot. Laptops are an interesting case because they can normally only be reconfigured while they are connected to the network, and this might not happen very often at boot time, or at the time when a nightly cron job would normally run. We allow laptops to be reconfigured on demand by the user so that updates take place at a convenient time.

Next: LCFG Up: System Configuration Previous: Automatic Configuration
Paul Anderson & Alastair Scobie