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Future Plans

The basic concepts behind the LCFG system have proven very sound and the system has been extremely successful. However, a number of aspects of the implementation were not intended for wider large scale use. In particular:

It seems likely that we will use LDAP as the configuration resource repository, and a Perl framework for the subsystem scripts.

We have also learned a good deal about the way in which sysadmins want to specify configurations and classes, and we intend to implement a custom language for describing machine configurations. The design of this language is still under discussion, but we would like to provide:

The current system is also tied closely to other local procedures, making it difficult to export, and we would like to address this, so that we can export it as open source (see below).

Next: Availability Up: Large Scale Linux Configuration Previous: Adding a New Subsystem
Paul Anderson & Alastair Scobie