Windows NT Symposium '99 - Call for Papers - What to SubmitUSENIX

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Authors are requested to submit full papers by February 23, 1999.

Submitted papers should be no longer than 10 single spaced 8.5" x 11" pages, including figures, tables, and references. The paper should be submitted through email to

The message containing the submission must have a subject line reading "NT symposium submission" and must begin with the following information in this format:

Title: (title of submission)

Authors: (names of all authors)

Contact: (primary contact for submission)

Address: (contact's full postal address)

Phone: (contact's telephone number)

Fax: (contact's fax number if available)

E-mail: (contact's email address -- very important)

Student Authors: (which authors are full-time students)

Submissions must be in Microsoft Word'97, Postscript or PDF format and should be encoded for transport with either the uuencode or the MIME base64 encoding. Filenames used in your submission should be based on your last name, e.g. smith.doc and smith.html.

Receipt of submissions will be acknowledged by return email within one week; if an acknowledgment is not received please send email to

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First posted: 6 Mar. 1999 pc
Last changed: 6 Mar. 1999 pc
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