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Acceptance of the 2001 Software Tools Users Group Award

Remarks prepared by Ted Ts'o, June 28, 2001

Ted Ts'o On behalf of the many people who worked on Kerberos through the years, thank you.

I first got involved with Kerberos in 1987, when I worked at Project Athena as a student systems programmer, otherwise known to most as a "watchmaker". Over the years, it's been my privilege to watch Kerberos grow and develop, and get used and adopted and adapted by different projects and organizations. From other universities, to national labs, to the Open Software Foundation, and most recently, when Microsoft embraced and extended Kerberos and made it part of Windows 2000. It's been a wild ride, and I feel very blessed to have had the chance to been a part of this adventure.

The number of people who have worked on Kerberos through the years is huge, and mentioning them all would take too long --- not to mention impossible --- no doubt if I tried, I'd leave someone out.

But I would like to mention a number of people who were involved in the earlier days of the MIT Kerberos implementation: Richard Basch, Bill Bryant, Marc Colan, Don Davis, Mark Eichin, Dan Geer, Paul Hill, Marc Horowitz, Barry Jaspan, John Kohl, Ken Raeburn, Jon Rochlis, Bill Sommerfeld, Jenifer Steiner, and Ralph Swick.

I'd also like to thank collectively engineers from many companies and organizations that have helped us over the years, by contributing suggestions, bug fixes, and in some cases, significant pieces of code, including Argonne National Laboratory, Cybersafe, Cygnus Support, Digital, IBM, The Open Software Foundation, Open Vision, Microsoft, Naval Research Laboratary, Sandia National Laboratory, Sun, Transarc, and many, many, others.

And of course, we must acknowledge Jeff Schiller, Jerry Saltzer, and Cliff Neumann, who were the original primary designers of the Kerberos protocol, and Roger Needham and Michael Schroeder whose theoretical work was the basis of Kerberos.

A lot of people were involved in making Kerberos possible. But of course, that's true for any successful Open Source project. And with any such project, perhaps the biggest thank you has to go to all of the users of Kerberos. Thank you for your encouragement; thank you for your enthusiasm; thank you for your support.

Dan Geer Gives Special Thanks To...

Jennifer Steiner, who was Kerberos team lead, reporting to me, and who gave the Feb 1988 maiden Kerberos talk at USENIX

Don Davis, who created the user-to-user protocol with Ralph Swick and who has been principle author on *4* Kerberos papers at USENIX

Ralph Swick, who created the user-to-user protocol with Don Davis and heavily influenced the role of Kerberos in X

Bill Bryant, whose documentation and, especially, his four scene play explaining Kerberos went a long way towards making Kerberos widely understood

Ken Raeburn, who took over from Ted T'so and is, in fact, the head of Kerberos development at MIT as of this writing

John Linn, who drove the GSS-API formal standardization process for Kerberos which, in turn, is what Kerberos centric design everywhere employs

Marc Horowitz, whose prolific integration work and constant bug fixing has made Kerberos pervasive

Barry Jaspan, who managed to both build and then contribute to the community at large the Kerberos adminstration server

Brian Tung, who literally wrote the book (0-201-37924-4 Addison Wesley 05/99) on Kerberos

Roger Needham & Mike Schroeder, whose protocol was what we implemented to get Kerberos

Jerry Saltzer, the faculty member in charge as well as former dissertation supervisor to Schroeder

IBM and Digital, for paying for the blamed thing

And all the people on MIT's team:

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